The Cecilian Society

Show week ticket info!!!
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Author:  Essyfessy [ Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Show week ticket info!!!

Hi guys apologies that this is later than plan but her'e a wee outline of how tickets are gonna work in show week.

Deadline for advanced sales:The website ( will stop taking orders at midnight the night before each show. I will also stop taking orders the night before. All orders made on the day of the show (by whatever means-phone/email/speaking to me) will be charged at the on the door price (£10 or £15). So make sure your friends get their orders to you asap so that they don't need to pay more!

Ticket totals[b] I have changed my mind and I am going to be less mean. ANY ADVANCED BOOKINGS no matter when they are made in show week will count towards your individual and team totals so keep pushing cause you have til Friday to win some glorios prizes!! On ticket team/totals etc stuff: I will have both ticketometers with me tomorrow and they shall be up throughout rehearsals all day so please have a look at them. During the ticket talk I'll give you all your current team totals and where you currently stand. From then on until Saturday it will be a mystery as to who is in the lead so really push your sales cause its still total possible for the team thats in last place win at the last minute so get on it all of you! I am aiming to put the main ticketometer up in the theatre somewhere and hopefully will update it every night-depending on how sane I am by this point- so that you cll can get an idea of where we are tickets-wise.

[b]The tickets themselves
I know a lot of people are a bit confused by the current ticket system so thought I'd explain how they're going to work and hopefully clear up any queries you have with them.
As you know the tickets have come in email form with a confirmation code on them. The easiest thing to do would be to print off the email and bring it to the theatre. However all that is actually necessary is the confirmation code on the ticket so if you want you can just note down the code itself and tell us it at the theatre. If there are several people on the same order that maybe aren't coming together, that's not a problem, just give them all the confirmation code and we shall simply mark off the the numbers of people that have arrived for that booking-does this make sense?
To clarify the most important thing is the confirmation code! Its like going on the megabus-the woman with the neon jacket has a big list of all the confirmation codes and just needs to see that you have the right code to get on the bus! Make sense?

Tickets on the door
If you are not going to see the person/people who you bought tickets for before they come to the show then you can leave them with us front of house and they can be picked up when they arrive at the theatre.
If you want to leave tickets on the door I would ask that you [*]do[*] print off your ticket and bring it to the theatre. This is just as it will make it a lot easier. To leave tickets on the door please bring the printed ticket with your name and the person who it's for'r name[b] written at the [b]top of the sheet. I know I'm being extra specific it's just that front of house is going to be particularly busy with this new ticket system so anything we can do to reduce people's waiting time to get into the auditorium the better otherwise we might have to start the show late cause the audience aren't all in.
If you want to put tickets on the door, bring them to me by [b]6.30[b] at the latest. I will be in the theatre by 6 at the latest every night so come and find me-I won't come and find you! Also please do not give me tickets for any performance other than the one [b]that night[b].

Right guys! I think that's all the info I have but if anybody has any questions at all (there are no stupid questions) please ask them!
Lets make a last push for sales and make this show the success it deserves to be!!!!

love love xxx

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